There are currently 109 detached houses listed in West Vancouver (compared with 144 at this time last year), 23 apartments (28 last year) and 10 attached - meaning townhouses and duplexes (compared with 6 last year). Keep in mind that these numbers and the ones below are for the WHOLE OF WEST VANCOUVER. If you are interested in any of the sub-areas specifically please contact me and I will be happy to provide them for you.
Gross sales for year to date DETACHED: $1,075,201,339
in 2011 the same was: $1,961,042,961
which is a decrease of 42%
The average price per unit this year to date is: $2,368,284
in 2011 it was: $2,183,789
which is an increase of 9%
Gross sales for year to date ATTACHED: $71,667,250
in 2011 the same was: $46,382,300
which is a increase of 45%
The average price per unit this year to date is: $1,279,772
in 2011 it was: $1,030,717
which is an increase of 20%
Gross sales for year to date APARTMENTS: $109,557,427
in 2011 the same was: $174,215,223
which is a decrease of 35%
The average price per unit this year to date is: $920,650
In 2011 it was: $1,088,845
which is a decrease of 16%
If you are interested in any further information give me a call or an email and let me know and I would be happy to provide it for you.
Gross sales for year to date DETACHED: $1,075,201,339
in 2011 the same was: $1,961,042,961
which is a decrease of 42%
The average price per unit this year to date is: $2,368,284
in 2011 it was: $2,183,789
which is an increase of 9%
Gross sales for year to date ATTACHED: $71,667,250
in 2011 the same was: $46,382,300
which is a increase of 45%
The average price per unit this year to date is: $1,279,772
in 2011 it was: $1,030,717
which is an increase of 20%
Gross sales for year to date APARTMENTS: $109,557,427
in 2011 the same was: $174,215,223
which is a decrease of 35%
The average price per unit this year to date is: $920,650
In 2011 it was: $1,088,845
which is a decrease of 16%
If you are interested in any further information give me a call or an email and let me know and I would be happy to provide it for you.